
uedbet官网ISD assists our local districts and child welfare agencies with the school selection and services for children and youth in foster 护理.

Find Your Local District 寄养 Liaison


Children and Youth in 寄养 have the right to:

  • School stability through the Fostering Connections Act and new protections that are part of Title 1a in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

  • An education plan that includes transportation to maintain school of origin, arranged by the child welfare agency (Note: students receiving special education services who are relocated outside of the county of the school of origin require a financial agreement between out of county districts)

  • Expedited enrollment if a change in school is required

  • Categorical eligibility for federal school nutrition programs and Title 1a services

Want to Know 更多的?

For more information on educational plans for children and youth in foster 护理 contact West Michigan Partnership for Children at 616-419-2505 or info@wmpc.护理

Each of these local agencies also has an Education Point of Contact:

  • 伯大尼
  • Catholic Charities
  • DA Blodgett
  • Samaritas
  • 源泉


Supervisor of Special Populations
电话: 365-2337