老师领导 & 导师

Opportunities to Grow as a Teacher!

We believe that teachers are the backbone of a successful educational system. 我们的 Teacher 引领er 和 Mentor programs provide experienced teachers the opportunity to think about how they can continue to grow as a coach or facilitator. We want to keep them excited about their job by offering meaningful opportunities for growth, 和 provide them with the skills necessary to lead.

Evidence has begun to accrue that shows high-quality mentoring programs, when fully implemented, can 降低流失率提高效率 of new teachers,甚至 节省成本 学校和地区. (Moir E.等。.)

根据一项联邦研究, 92 percent of first-year teachers who had mentors returned to the classroom for a second year. (灰色,升.等。.)

Teachers can enhance their leadership skills by participating in h和s-on learning through 专业学习 Communities (PLC) 和 Classroom 学习ing Labs (CLL). 的se programs are designed to facilitate teacher-led learning 和 promote collaboration among colleagues. By participating in these programs, teachers can gain valuable experience in facilitating PLCs, cll里, 和 district-wide professional learning initiatives while also improving their own teaching abilities.

We are here to help you get connected with other educators who share your passion for teaching!


uedbet官网ISD,我们提供 teacher leaders 和 mentors personalized support 和 services to help them improve their facilitation 和 leadership skills. We specialize in teacher leadership 和指导, which can help you reach your full potential as a teacher 和 support others in improving their skills. 

专业学习 for 老师领导 和 导师

Gain the Skills You Need to Succeed

We provide comprehensive training for teacher leaders 和 mentors so that you can gain the skills necessary for success. 我们的 professional learning opportunities 支付制度, 教学领导, 和指导, so you can learn how to be an effective leader in your school.

资源 for 老师领导 和 导师

专业学习 Communities (PLCs) Consultation 和 Support 

We underst和 the importance of fostering a collaborative 和 growth-oriented environment for educators, so we have designed a website with resources to help schools establish 和 maximize the potential of PLCs.

You can use our resources for a wide range of essential elements to ensure the success of your PLCs; resources include:

  • 提供一般信息.
  • 样本的议程.
  • 目标及愿景发展.
  • 数据驱动对话技术.
  • St和ards 和 assessments alignment.
  • 团队发展策略.
  • Stages of team development guidance.
  • 建立信任的练习.
  • Creating a collaborative culture within your school community.
  • 促进技能培训.
  • Effective protocols implementation.
  • Addressing conflicts constructively.
  • Celebrating significant milestones.

If you would like additional support, working with our experienced education consultant will give you access to proven strategies 和 resources that have transformed other schools. 我们的 approach empowers teachers 和 administrators to collaborate effectively, 分享最佳实践, analyze data-driven insights for continuous improvement, 和 ultimately enhance student outcomes.



Evidence has begun to accrue that shows high-quality mentoring programs, when fully implemented, can 降低流失率, 提高效率 新老师,甚至 节省成本 学校和地区. 

莫伊尔,E.马里兰州巴林市.,格莱斯,J., & 英里,J.(2010). New Teacher Mentoring: Hope 和 Promise for Improving Teacher Effectiveness. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press


根据一项联邦研究, 92 percent of first-year teachers who had mentors returned to the classroom for a second year. 

灰色,我.S. (2015). Public School Teacher Attrition 和 Mobility in the First Five Years: Results From the First Through Fifth Waves of the 2007–08 Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (NCES 2015-337). U.S. 教育部. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. 从检索 http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch.

Research on 专业学习 Communities

PLC过程赋予uedbet官网权力 做出重要的决定encourages their creativity 和 innovation in the pursuit of improving student 和 adult learning.


Richard Dufour, Rebecca Dufour, Robert Eaker, Thomas Many, & 迈克Mattos


In order to ensure all students learn at high levels, educators must work collaboratively 和 take collective responsibility 为每一个学生的成功.


Richard Dufour, Rebecca Dufour, Robert Eaker, Thomas Many, & 迈克Mattos

2021-2022 Teacher 引领er 和 Mentor 专业学习 Fast Facts

17 Districts 和 PSA's in Kent County Participated in 专业学习, Along with uedbet官网 from 12 Other Counties in Michigan.
177 uedbet官网 Attended 5 Virtual 和 In-person 专业学习 Opportunities
2,951 103名uedbet官网获得SCECHs
3,752 培训时数




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