规则和条例 & 相关的程序
- 想法规定
- Michigan 特殊教育 Rules
- 申诉程序
- A Parent's Guide to Navigating the IEP Process
- A Parent's Guide to Navigating the IEP Process - Spanish
- Parent Handbook with Procedural Safeguards
- Parent Handbook with Procedural Safeguards - Spanish
- 学生权利手册
- 学生权利手册 - Spanish
- Prioritizing Relationships and Student Engagement Manual
- Supplementary Aids and Services Manual
程序,手册 & 全国性的指导方针
- 确保 LRE through a 决策 Process
- 确保 LRE through a 决策 Process for 儿童早期
- 医疗补助计划 School Services Program - A Guide for Administrative Implementation
- 医疗补助计划 School Services Program - A Guide for 工作人员 Documentation
- MSDS Collection Details Manual
- 非公开的指导
- Pupil Accounting Manual
- 首选学校 Guidelines
- Transportation Guidelines
Key Operating Agreements
- uedbet官网ISD 特殊教育 Plan
- uedbet官网ISD Cooperative Agreement
- Cooperative Agreement for IEP Placed 学生 at Lighthouse Academy
- Cooperative Agreement for 学生 Incarcerated at KCCF
支持 & 资源
This page will provide you with the information needed to implement exceptional and equitable systems that support special educators and our students to reach their full potential. You will find resources to support IEP compliance and guidance, FBA / PBSP资源, assistance for high-quality programming, webinars for your professional learning and tools for technology and accessibility.
For other forms and some Spanish versions, please visit the 身边的 网站.